Fees for 2025
With the announcement that kindergartens are now fully funded, Westgarth Kinder will not be incurring any fees for 2025.
We do however still require you to pay a holding deposit of $75.00 or $45.00 for Concession Card Holders (proof required).
This holding deposit will be refunded back to those families who take up their position for 2025. The deposit will be refunded back to you via direct deposit at the commencement of Term 1 in 2025.
For updated information regarding fees for 2022 please click here
The Westgarth Kindergarten 4 year old program is supported by the Victorian Government.
Fee Payment
Fees invoices and payment instructions will be emailed to parents prior to the end of the term. Invoices are to be paid in full before the next term commences. Payment can be made by direct debit using the internet or by direct deposit at a branch of the Bendigo Bank. Cash payments are not accepted.
1. Please identify your direct deposit with your child's initial, surname, group (3yo / 4yo) and term (1-4), eg. "M Smith 4yoT2"
ACCOUNT NAME: Westgarth Kindergarten Inc.
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000
ACCOUNT NO: 141099226
2. Please email fees@wgkg.vic.edu.au to confirm your payment (if you need a receipt, please request this in your email).
Fee Refunds
Term fees can only be refunded to families who notify the Committee that they are leaving the service prior to the start of term. These families will be able to receive a pro-rata reimbursement of any fees paid in advance. The Committee may consider a partial refund in other limited circumstances. All such requests must be addressed to the Committee in writing.
There will be no refund of fees if the program is unable to operate, or when the current qualified staff member is absent and Westgarth Kindergarten cannot obtain a qualified reliever.
Unpaid Fees
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact the Business Manager at admin@wgkg.vic.edu.au to discuss a special payment plan.
Fees not paid by the due date will be followed up by:
An initial letter of warning giving ten (10) working days for payment.
After this time, the family will be contacted by telephone, or issued with a second notice.
If fees are still not paid, and a special payment plan is not agreed on, a final notice will be sent, stating that unless payment is made within ten (10) working days, there will no longer be a place available at the service for their child.